March 2025 - money back guarantee on everything sold

Autographed Baseball Cards Unlimited (aka ABC Unlimited): How to Use

Autographed Baseball Cards Unlimited website how to use: I designed this website to be easy to use, easy on the eyes and hopefully a very enjoyable experience. If you scroll to the bottom of the home page you’ll see the 8 searches provided to browse the inventory for this month....and this couldn't be any easier to use.

LAST NAME: Here you just type the last name of someone you're looking for and a drop down box will appear showing the names available that fit what you've typed to that point just as any search engine shows you.

PLAYER: If you’re looking for certain players the name search is easy to use as the number of different signed cards I have signed on that player are in parenthesis next to his name. Click on the player and all his cards are displayed along his team and the price for those cards.

YEAR/BRAND: If you’re a set collector enter the year into the year then the card brands associated with that year are displayed, hit search and there’s a numerical listing of what’s available this month for your given set(s)

TEAM: The team search will bring up a list of players I have associated with your team, then click on the player and all of his cards are then displayed.

HOF: Here’s just a listing of the Hall of Famer's I have in stock, again the number in parenthesis is the number of different cards/photos available this month.

Shoe Box Heroes: These cards are AWESOME and they mainly feature ex major league players who never had a baseball card printed....until now. Scans of both the fronts and backs are available as they need to be seen to be appreciated. You can bring up Shoe Box Heroes cards in any of the other searches while this search is ONLY Shoe Box Heroes cards listed in alphabetical order.

4x6 PHOTOS: If you’re only looking for signed photos this is the place to be. I’ve put them in alphabetical order while if you’d like to see them organized by teams email or use the contact button and ask as I can produce this listing for you just like that.

TEAM BY CARD BRAND: Some collectors collector a team by only a certain card brand so this was designed for them. It is listed by years which are in numerical order so if you're looking for say only 1969 Topps Cubs cards (or something similar) this search is for you.

The tool bar at the top should tell you everything you need to know about my history and reputation pertaining to autographed baseball cards, testimonials from other collectors, money back guarantee offer, discounts offered, FAQ shows you the shipping rates, scanning policy and payments accepted. Then if you still have questions you can hit the “contact” button and I’ll answer all questions ASAP. Because I have such a wide range of autographed cards and photos the "autographs available" button provides a break down of everything in stock I have to offer. And should you have further questions on how to use the website I've provided a tab for that as well...but it really is easy to use.

There are 3 "flags" or indicators that should be very useful. You'll see a red flag to show the person is in the Hall of Fame, green flags indicate the player is deceased while the yellow flags show that the card was just added into stock last month.

The checkbox feature. You'll see that whatever search you select ALL the cards are displayed on one page instead of being limited to (say) 100 cards per page. So say you need 10 cards on that page instead of throwing them into your cart one by one just click the checkbox next to that card and when you're done using that page click on the box that says "add all selected". By using this checkbox feature you'll only throw the cards into the cart once instead of 10 times saving you a LOT of time.

All comments and suggested are much appreciated....ENJOY!!!

Inventory Search
By Last Name By Year/Brand Team By Card Brand By Team

By Players Hall of Famers Shoe Box Heroes 4x6 Photos